Recipe by Rachmy
Serve: 5 Person
Sambal pedas ikan tongkol asap, sedap dimakan dengan nasi…
Serve: 5 Person
Sambal pedas ikan tongkol asap, sedap dimakan dengan nasi…
Serve: 5 Person
Flavorful smoked tuna cooked dry with bird's eye chilies
Serve: 10 Person
Tekstur pepaya mengkal dengan rasa sedikit manis. Aroma…
Serve: 10 Person
Biasa disantap sebagai pendamping makanan berlemak seperti…
Serve: 5 Person
Spicy peanut sauce which usually paired with 'Nasi Uduk'…
Serve: 1 Jar
Crispy anchovies and peanut with spicy balado taste
Serve: 2 Person
Hot fried sambal made to eat as is with warm rice
Serve: 5 Person
This banjur cracker reminds me of my primary school days.…
Serve: 1 Jar
One of the most popular prizes for the pop quiz in Rasamasa…
Serve: 1 Person
Savoury sambal from dried shrimp that is fried
Serve: 5 Person
This sambal tastes more unique with udang sabu (plain rebon)
Serve: 5 Person
The roa is a smoked ballyhoo, fish that is native of Manado.…
Serve: 1 Person
This prawn sambal from Aceh is superhot but fresh and colourful…
Serve: 1 Person
This sambal matah from Bali is nothing but freshness in…
Serve: 5 Person
Cabai hijau dan bawang merah direbus terlebih dahulu, sehingga…
Serve: 5 Person
Teri goreng yang dimasak sebentar bersama tumisan bumbu…
Serve: 2 Jar
Red chilies are plentiful and cheap at harvest time, toward…
Serve: 5 Person
Satu-satunya cara untuk tahu apakah rasanya sudah cukup?…
Serve: 5 Person
Rasa segar sambal ini sebetulnya datang dari asam jeruk…
Serve: 5 Person
If you like it spicy, just add in bird's eye chili
Serve: 10 Person
Isi kulit pangsit basah dengan tumisan ayam, udang dan…