Recipes: Foodwar Community

The #FOODWAR Facebook community is open for everyone especially mums and dads who like to drool over yummy (or not-so yummy) food. The photo and video posting of your foods are welcomed with open arms, but please attach your recipes (secret ingredients ca

Cindee Widuri

Serve: 15 Person

What tops the taste of this lamb roast? Read on...

Daging Kambing Panggang

Rihan Pirous

Serve: 5 Person

This banjur cracker reminds me of my primary school days.…

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  • Inexpensive
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Kerupuk Banjur

Cindy Agustia

Serve: 5 Person

This simple fried rice is special because of its lesser…

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Nasi Goreng Cikur

Dian Anugrah

Serve: 5 Person

Slow cooking on low heat, with 35-40 seconds interval of…

Rendang Paru

Shanti Santoso

Serve: 5 Person

Slow cooking then leaving it overnight makes this meat…

Semur Betawi

Rihan Pirous

Serve: 5 Person

This sambal tastes more unique with udang sabu (plain rebon)

Sambal Tokok Udang Sabu

Sofie Purbojo

Serve: 5 Person

The ground chilies and shrimp paste is my twist to boost…

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Bakso Goreng Ayam Terasi

Fajriyah Ch. Aleyandra

Serve: 5 Person

Best left overnight then reheated before serving

  • Easy
  • Inexpensive

Jangan Lombok

Shanti Santoso

Serve: 5 Person

Best to leave it overnight after cooking for a deeper flavor

  • Spicy

Tempe Nyemek Daging Has

Susan Angelika

Serve: 4 Person

Paduan daun tangkil, ikan peda, dan cabai rawit bisa melepas…

  • Easy
  • Spicy

Pepes Peda Daun Tangkil
