Recipe by Dede
Serve: 5 Person
Chicken fillet richly spiced and laced with kemangi and…
Serve: 5 Person
Chicken fillet richly spiced and laced with kemangi and…
Serve: 3 Piece
Crispy layered martabak filled with chicken and shrimp
Serve: 5 Person
A wonton noodle soup complete with sautéd chicken normally…
Serve: 3 Person
Cocciolini with sauce from chicken in green chilies for…
Serve: 5 Person
Chicken with strong taste from the deadly due of bird's…
Serve: 5 Person
Chicken slow cooked in plentiful likku (grated galangal…
Serve: 4 Person
Parutan kulit lemon membuat wangi masakan ini makin segar
Serve: 5 Person
Daging paha ayam lebih cocok karena empuk dan lebih juicy.…
Serve: 5 Person
Deep fried chicken complete with crispy fried greater galangal…
Serve: 5 Person
Ini saingan berat Opor Ayam. Ayam dimasak dengan santan…
Serve: 5 Person
Rasa gravy sangat gurih karena menggunakan minyak bekas…
Serve: 10 Person
Potongan nanas dengan rasa asam-manis mampu menyeimbangkan…
Serve: 7 Person
Buncis masih terasa renyah karena hanya dimasak sebentar
Serve: 5 Person
Ayam goreng dengan balutan bumbu rasa asam manis pedas
Serve: 5 Person
Ayam dipepes dengan bumbu dasar kuning dan beraroma daun…
Serve: 6 Person
Ayam bakar yang dimasak dahulu dengan paduan bumbu utama…
Serve: 4 Person
Patin fish with spicy broth and fresh sour tomato and aromatic…
Serve: 5 Person
Steamed chicken with sour fresh taste of bilimbi
Serve: 4 Person
Ayam cooked in rica-rica style, spicy hot and fragranced…
Serve: 3 Person
Serve: 2 Person
Pasta omelette using penne-pasta shape because it looks…
Serve: 8 Person
Terinspirasi dari garang asem, resep Rempelo Ayam & Hati…
Serve: 4 Person
Tender chicken feet with slightly hot and sweet-tasting…
Serve: 10 Piece
The thick and creamy texture of the ragout comes from a…
Serve: 5 Person
The ground chilies and shrimp paste is my twist to boost…
Serve: 6 Person
Ayam masak dengan bumbu ringan
Serve: 8 Person
Supaya makin enak dan tetap cantik warnanya, iris kecombrang…