Recipe by Rasamasa
Serve: 5 Person
A surprisingly fresh-tasting cassava leaves cooked in spiced…
- Easy
Serve: 5 Person
A surprisingly fresh-tasting cassava leaves cooked in spiced…
Serve: 3 Person
Super simple to cook, with suprisingly flavorful blend…
Serve: 5 Person
Creamy pesto sauce with spinach taste is perfect for a…
Serve: 5 Person
Citarasa kencur yang kuat akan semakin menambah lezat masakan…
Serve: 15 Glass
Tekstur jambunya renyah, dengan aroma berempah dan rasa…
Serve: 5 Person
Minuman ini memiliki tekstur yang lembut dengan perpaduan…
Serve: 7 Person
Buncis masih terasa renyah karena hanya dimasak sebentar
Serve: 5 Person
Pare kukus diisi parutan kelapa muda dan udang
Serve: 5 Person
Jamur tiram cocok dipepes karena bisa mudah menyatu dengan…
Serve: 5 Person
Citarasa pahit daun pepaya jadi seimbang ditambah daun…
Serve: 7 Person
Jengkol yang diolah dengan bumbu khas masakan Manado
Serve: 25 Piece
Buah-buahan yang diserut lalu dibekukan dengan rasa asam-manis…
Serve: 5 Person
Kecipir tumis dengan tekstur renyah dan rasa gurih-asam-manis
Serve: 17 Glass
Soft and smooth textured savory-sweet tasting dessert with…
Serve: 10 Person
Biasa disantap sebagai pendamping makanan berlemak seperti…
Serve: 4 Person
This crispy broccoli is great for a toddler who is learning…
Serve: 5 Person
Sweet moist cake made of rice flour and coconut milk with…
Serve: 5 Person
Similar to urap and pecel but with a sambal that is more…
Serve: 1 Jar
Unique tasting pineapple jam with added passion fruit syrup
Serve: 5 Person
Alat yang digunakan untuk mengolah ketoprak tidaklah sulit…
Serve: 3 Person
Serve: 2 Person
Hot fried sambal made to eat as is with warm rice
Serve: 4 Person
Light tom yum soup packed with the goodness of various…
Serve: 5 Person
Vegetarian meal topped with savoury peanut sambal
Serve: 5 Person
Uniquely Lombok, this hot tomato sambal accompanies Thai…
Serve: 5 Person
Pounded cassava leaves cooked in spiced coconut milk
Serve: 6 Glass
Puding merupakan makanan simpel, enak dan banyak disukai…