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Perkedel Kentang

  • Easy
  • Low Cost
  • Quick

Serve: 5 Person

The potato that will be use in the recipe is better fried first as it easier to be shaped. Steamed potato contains water thus make it hard to shape.

  • 2 big size of potato, peeled and lengthwise thinly sliced
  • 1 egg
  • Cooking oil

Grind finely

  • 2 shallots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ¼ tablespoon pepper powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt

The potato that will be use in the recipe is better fried first as it easier to be shaped. Steamed potato contains water thus make it hard to shape.


  1. Cook potato until tender, set aside and smashed until become a mashed potato.
  2. Put mashed potato into a bowl and add grinded spices, mix well.
  3. Add yolk to the bowl and mix well with potato. Shape into patty.
  4. Coat each ball with white egg.
  5. Fry in hot oil until the color turn into golden brown. Remove and serve
Dapur Rasamasa

This recipe has been tested in Dapur Rasamasa


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