
100 Resep Terpopuler Rasamasa di 2014

Something that is popular is not necessarily an alien, expensive and difficult to be made. Many of the recipes are simple and familiar user visited Rasamasa.

If we flashback through the 100 most popular prescription Rasamasa throughout 2014, Rasamasa many users who visit the home recipes are simple and everyday.

At No. 100 no prescription seafood fried rice. Maybe fried rice everyday, but it made ​​a special seafood. While the chicken fried rice sits at No. 89, and fried rice magelangan sitting at No. 30. Two recipes Javanese fried noodles we sit in the 84th and 50th, one of which is a recipe fried noodles Java Goddess Rossanty submissions. Not to mention a wide variety of boiled noodles, of boiled noodles Aceh ranked 87th, godog noodles, mushroom chicken noodles, vermicelli noodles kale, and spinach noodles in the top 50.

Vegetable tamarind entered at No. 21, while tempeh and marinated tofu sit in ranked 17th.

One who was not less popular is a variety of chili recipe chili heart-potato fries, fried dried chili tempeh, until sauce matah, Some of the most popular chili recipes are family recipes like chili tempeh from our regular contributor, Arfi Binsted in Auckland, New Zealand, and recipe sauce plow the far post by Theodora Hurustiati Poeradisastra of Udine, Italy. Recipe sauce Buroq of Rachman Chakim Muchlas, fried anchovies sambal petai prescription of Vimalakriti Widya Sri Rusdianti, recipe fried chilli roa Ronald Moha.

Want to see the rest? It's easy, just go to the 100 most popular recipes Rasamasa.

Better yet, try the recipe mumpung holiday season. Do not forget to click the "Try" on the recipe page.

Happy new year 2015.