8 Trik Masak Sahur Dapur Jo

Event cook Rasamasa Fasting | Cooking Sahur 10-Minute Kitchen Jo, on Monday, May 19th and impressed < em> nyolong start because fasting is still a month away. But there's nothing wrong tactics ranging learned cooking from now.
I think, in the month of fasting, the biggest challenge faced by cooking at home there are two. First how to increase the appetite of people home at bedtime. Second, how to cook with a concise, well at bedtime.
To be able to cook the meal with a concise, training must from now. "Later, the existing, 10-minute cook the meal so 10 hours," Jo said as he explained the tactics summarily in cooking show Rasamasa Fasting | Cooking Sahur 10-Minute Kitchen Jo who is also supported by the Sunpride .
Here are tips and tricks described Jo then:
- Ready before bed. All activities peeling, preparing basic ingredients, uncover, and all cooking preparation, done before bed. So at dawn live take material from the fridge, take the pan, and oil, and fry!
- How long diungkep chicken, cooked? It's hard to know exactly because every cook at home using the size and type of different pot. Make sure there is no blood coming out again from chicken meat and chicken meat still attached to the bones.
- Increase appetite at dawn. For yellow fried chicken seasoning, the chicken has been cooked from the previous expression. With fry, chicken into a savory flavor. Especially if there seasoning kremes it.
- Improve taste with fried onions. Always ready with fried onions on the dining table, and also in the kitchen. It could be to add a sense of one of the potato cakes.
- How to make seasoning kremes ? Fried chicken with spices seasoning disclosed yellow yellow base. If the chicken meat from the bones have started off, lift the meat and simmer until the yellow base remaining seasoning ASAT. If you want a lot of kremes it, add the amount of marinade. The key, we must dare to each spice.
- Have the plant leaves at home. Kaffir lime leaves, basil, and bay leaves, all that can be grown at home. Moreover, a lot of pandan leaves used for in the month of fasting.
- Easily peeled onion. Buy onions in large quantities, soak them in water so that the outer skin is removed. Leave while doing other things. If you already peeled, drain, put the jar and store in the refrigerator.
- Cook it exercise patience. Exercising patience was no need to wait for a trial, from cooking aja we've been able to practice patience.
Well last tips fitted to the holy month of Ramadan.