Dine With

Akibat Pilihan Hidup Fatmah Bahalwan


"Teaching continued until his death," said Fatmah Bahalwan founder of Natural Cooking Club (NCC) when asked what his desire in life. Not felt, already a decade NCC enliven Indonesian family dinner table. Follow excerpts of an interview with Fatma Rasamasa via telephone and email in mid-November - early December 2014.

NCC ten years already. Just be grateful for the born 15 January 2015. Natural Cooking Club (NCC) is a business called Natural Catering, Cake & Cookies in Matraman In no.11 RT09 RW07 III Central Jakarta. Natural name is the first word that occurred to Fatma ten years ago. Hopefully, by using the word natural, everyone will remember that this community anti chemicals banned.

If NCC develops as it is now, it is the result of a choice made because the monetary crisis hit Indonesia in 1998. Fatmah Bahalwan, an executive secretary a first Islamic Bank in Indonesia, graduate ASMI (Academy Secretary & Management Indonesia), faced with a choice: frugal living or supplement their income. Choice fell on income. "So since it while still working, I am selling cakes, receive orders cake, and cuisine. Until October 2004, I decided to stop working in an office for more serious in the culinary field. As well as a lecturer cook, bake, and decorate the cake, "recalls Fatma. "My husband, Vishnu R. Ali Martono, a researcher who worked at BPP Technology is a major supporter of my career. Even mailing Natural Cooking Club also made ​​by him, "he continued again.

"We married since December 11, 1998, and Alhamdulillah has 3 children: Alia Prawitasari, SE. Women, University of Indonesia graduate economics graduate who is currently a lecturer in Economics at Tutoring BTA, and are pioneering efforts Muslim clothing. Irfan Pradipta. Male, currently studying three semesters at Bina Nusantara University Visual Communication Design faculty-Animation. And, Alfi Pramana. Male, currently in high school students of class X-54 East Jakarta. I almost never have problems managing the NCC of the family, "his voice sounded proud and grateful.

I hear more and more addicted to teach ya?

Since 2002, perhaps because many provide recipes and tips on cooking and baking success, so I was asked to cook and bake. Nothing feels odd profession that I did at the end of this week to 'opium'. His students came from all directions. Through mailing lists, websites, social media, and through the course off line that worked in my own home.

How many of his students?

A radio announcer from a teacher called me a cake as a million people. This is really excessive. However, when calculated, on average every 10 days, twice a month means that there are 300 people. Means one year there were 3,600 people. NCC is currently 10 years old, then it's 36 thousand people that I teach. Yet every day instead of ten, often up to 20 to 50 people who studied at NCC headquarters Matraman. Routinely three or four times a year I taught in Surabaya and in other cities. Not to mention, the students also become teachers, so that the continuous chain. Hopefully these ideals can continue without interruption, even though death would arrive later time. Together with the teachers at the NCC, we also already written 12 titles recipes and cake decorating.

What is the principle of your life?

Life should be useful for yourself, family, and others.

Besides cooking, like what?

I also like to collect cups and teapots. This is still my favorite to do. Even with the presence of food photography courses at NCC, my collection can be benefits to the object.

NCC now, is like what?

If analogous to NCC as a PIN. If someone is confused to cook anything, just click www.ncc-indonesia.com , as well as to the needs of other culinary information. Initially up to 4 people, now grown to more than 17 thousand people. NCC also follow the development of social media technologies to create Natural Cooking Club Groups on Face Book which now consists of more than 62 people. In addition, NCC also has a twitter account.

Five or ten years from now, the NCC will be like what?

NCC next five years should be better. More and more people are good at cooking and baking, as well as have their own income from Kulin affairser. Our target every year a minimum of one to three books published recipe. Ten years from now, hopefully NCC will have its own place as a laboratory cooking, food photography studio, and culinary library.

Seeing through the NCC what appeals to other parts of Indonesia?

Indonesia's most interesting section which is the natural and cultural wealth. Especially the culture of eating. Lots of cultural wealth of untapped meal. We never do things with Bank Indonesia, to train residents Ciremai mountain slopes, in the village of Blooms Jaya, Brass, Cirebon, making pastries and breads by using simple tools. We are happy to see mom eager to learn. All of this we are working through the Rural Economic Development Programs. Thank God, the principle of my life come true!


NCC in Matraman Phone: 021-3921779