Usai Lebaran
One month of fasting, a day celebrated on the Feast, a lifelong impact. So, if so, after Eid delicious?
One month of fasting, a day celebrated on the Feast, a lifelong impact. So, if so, after Eid delicious?
Ointment, tempeh, and brown rice is a provision that fits in between yoga and gym activities for Syenny Widjaja, one of the owners Bakoel Koffie, very zen and rationally with his…
Ten months in Prague gave me a lot of experience. Not just a matter of education, but also to adapt to the culture that is so different.
Memory feast of Eid in the first childhood is precious, so it continues to exist in my mind ... How could I not, on the last night in the month of fasting, I and other small children…
Pucung cork, one of the rare Betawi cuisine. Sabil al Rasjid which is a renowned chef Betawi sit together to discuss the origin Rasamasa Pucung Cork.
I decided to cook some food that I like. Apparently, my cooking results favored my host family.
Many film directors who take this football theme often appeared on television as a commentator or speaker football games. Claiming to love all kinds of food, it has a unique story…
A friend told me that his income selling cakes could be higher than the salary he received every month as an employee. Duh .. make kepengen ..
This morning my last meal menu, rice with stir corned beef, and as always ended with papaya and watermelon. According to the tips of Sunpride fruits are very appropriate to eat…