Pramuka Zaman Saya
Scout's child, as long as proficient in making various kinds of nodes in the pocket book, certainly can make a variety of useful tools.
Scout's child, as long as proficient in making various kinds of nodes in the pocket book, certainly can make a variety of useful tools.
A friend told me that his income selling cakes could be higher than the salary he received every month as an employee. Duh .. make kepengen ..
I truly pray in my heart that the presidential election coincided with Ramadan is going well. Being able to take a wise decision when choosing.
Speaking of bananas, I remembered the story of a friend at the old office. "Make it, I dapet by-by banana loads from my sister, until confused about diapain so do not rot. Finally,…
Who are often confused about what to eat every hour lunch come? Come raise your hand!
Suatu sore, saya dan adik tiba-tiba ingin sekali makan cilok. Tahu cilok, ‘kan? Itu, makanan khas Jawa Barat berbahan dasar tepung sagu, diolah dengan cara dikukus dan disajikan…
Makanan buat gue cuma ada dua jenis, enak dan enak banget, kata Ario Kiswinar Kiswi. Teguh pada Rasamasa.
Bolehlah Pak Darto ini berjualan cendol durian dengan gerobak di pinggir jalan, tapi niat dan kesungguhannya patut diteladani oleh pedagang skala besar sekalipun.
Peringatan maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW selalu meriah di Yogyakarta lebih dari sekedar tanggal merah. Pasalnya di kota ini selalu ada acara sekaten dan pasar malam