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Beer pletok okay bears the name of the beer. But make no mistake, this name has nothing to do with alcohol. Sabil Al Rasjid, explaining the origin of Beer pletok and why the use of bamboo is important in making this drink.

What is a beer pletok?

Pletok beer are typical drinks Betawi people. How to make use of bamboo with a whisk-ngocoknya up tok tok tok cause noise. The use of the name of the beer is also true only for the style show off, do not contain a specific meaning. However, it is also possible naming closely related to the thermal effect caused. This drink is also used to be sold in the evenings, and each serving buyers bottle whipped-cream first, so that when opened reads '' pletok.

What an absolute requirement in making beer pletok?

The most important ingredient in brewing pletok is leaf cup. Currently, leaf cup is rarely found. Leaf cup itself actually does not have any flavor, it just gives color to display pletok beer. Nevertheless, beer pletok absolutely must wear a cup. Because if using dye while the other ingredients are natural spices, it's not beer pletok again. Make it does not need to bamboo. However, the use of bamboo will add an authentic value of this recipe. Moreover, if it is long used, bamboo will absorb sugar that makes beer pletok more sweet.

Since when started making this drink?

Around the year 78 when I became a chef at the Mandarin Hotel. Because it gives me a focus for the creation of Indonesian cuisine

The original recipe itself you learn from?

There is a recipe book that I think is the book for Indonesian cuisine that is, Mustika Rasa. Mustika flavor is made dipemerintahan President Sukarno for food self-sufficiency.

Is Betawi community, beer is something common pletok presented?

Beer pletok not drink served when people are thirsty. Beer pletok only served as a welcome drink. If too much beer pletok, is likely to eliminate the appetite because it has a sweet taste. So, this is rarely presented pletok beer unless there are special events.

What distinguishes beer pletok with bandrek or wedang?

Pletok beer flavor was not too sweet and not too hot than bandrek or wedang. However, efficacy, just the same.

Never fails in making beer pletok?

Failed must have. However, making it easy pletok beer. Failure makes beer pletok usually between too sweet or less spice. Hence, pletok beer served cold with ice cubes makes the sweetness is not too strong. To spice it should be adjusted again proportion.

Many say that the beer is delicious served pletok when warm than cold, according to the father?

I prefer to serve it cold. To cause noise-tock tock there should be a hard object, namely the ice cubes. Ice is also useful to show that resemble beer foam. Anyway, the ice can reduce the sweet taste in beer. However, it all depends on taste. Want to cold or heat, his name remains pletok beer.

During this present pletok beer, what is the most memorable?

When I worked in Mandarin, I managed to trigger an event held weekly routine called Night Street. Through this event, I try to show betawi snacks that we often see at the foot five. This event lasted for several years. Even had imitated by other hotels. However, now Night Street is no longer there.