Everyone's Favorit Stir Fry Vegetable Mix
Originally, this dish uses water spinach, but this one uses cassava leaves. Although it has chilies, the leaves' bitter taste persists.
Originally, this dish uses water spinach, but this one uses cassava leaves. Although it has chilies, the leaves' bitter taste persists.
The secret to this recipe lies on the choice of corn, which unfortunately is difficult to find in the island of Java.
Fish covered in sour sauce is a must in every home in Maumere
I like contests that when Nestlé CARNATION held this contest, I joined. Especially since I love to cook, " said Lina Hendarnanto.
Just one test, this pudding brings Silfia Pratiwi as a winner
On average, I will need two days to cook rendang. I use a thick steel pan because it evenly heats and heats for a long time.
It's not an exaggeration to use vini-vidi-vici for Chika Afandi, as after sending her second recipe to NestlĂ© CARNATION Be My Creative Chef Recipe Contest, Rojali became an instant…
My grandma inspires me in creating this recipe, in addition to Chinese cultural influences.
Aslinya, masakan ini tidak menggunakan singkong dan kangkung. Meski pakai cabai, rasa dominannya tetap pahit.