Recipe Stories

Dari Resep Peninggalan Ibu


One day, Ula (close calls Ursula Tumiwa) chicken recipe tuturuga sent to me via Whatsapp application, in the form of photographs step-by-step.   "I tried this recipe the first time while staying with family abroad. We often hold events and invite friends. So, all I wanted to cook a variation of Indonesian cuisine, "he said. Because often made dishes are marinated Manado, variations, so the choice to serve. One of them, a chicken tuturuga.

Since when learning to cook?

Now cooking is becoming a habit, but it's not because I have lakoni long time. In the past, I never learned to cook baseball. Indeed, after my mother died. I cook for people at home because they have to. And, because it was used to flavor your cooking, I came to know the standard home delish people like.

After his mother died, Ula her books and found an old book filled with pieces of paper containing his mother's handwritten recipes.

What Ula understand from the book (recipe) Mom's old?

Of how to write it, look at all if the recipes that have been tried mother. He wrote measuring in detail. How many teaspoons, tablespoons how, and how many glasses. In the process step-by-step, she also wrote a lot of comments and messages. For example, hold careful because loyangnya hot and slippery.

What to do with recipes relics of Mother?

I want to rewrite the legacy of Mother recipes.

When there will be shooting in Rasamasa, Ula send tuturuga homemade chicken with thick leaves (leaf cumin) as one of the ingredients.

According to him, the thick leaf is planted in the house, in addition to other leaves such as leaf lemongrass, basil leaves, pandan leaves, mint leaves;   as well as chili.

What is to thick leaves in this dish? Leaves thick it makes cooking so much more pervasive and savory. If it does not exist, be skip it. It's still really good. Because of the thick leaves that sent a lot, the next day I immediately practices tuturuga chicken cook with recipes Ula. Hmm ... I know how important is getting thicker leaves in this recipe.