Dicari! Menteri Kedaulatan Pangan

Once upon a time, Pharaoh was immediately appointed former prisoners and give wider powers that food security is guaranteed in Egypt, before the famine arrived.
Running text on the screen private, Metro TV, the day Wednesday, September 16th, 2014 and then, moving with constant velocity without pause, this eye was reading a sentence, written this way: UN: 800 million people starving in the world.
A day earlier, on September 15, 2014, JokoWidodo, was elected President of Indonesia, together with his deputy, Jusuf Kalla, and their transition team, announced on screen about 34 cabinet seats, among other things, he also talked about the priority on achieving food sovereignty.
Meanwhile, I continued to sweat these days, starting from the middle of September until now. It is supposed to be anyway, because, BMKG Indonesia has issued a forecast that the peak of the dry season in October this year. Even on dry land, the farmer would be upset ...
After lunch, a book published by Sense Mustika Djakarta, 1967, to accompany me to enjoy the heat of the sun. Interesting! On page roman IV, a written speech Coordinating Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian, including written, ... Nutrition Seminar which was held in May 1964, has set guidelines for carbohydrate menu a year as follows:
Rice 82.1 kg
Djagung 45.6 kg (rice equivalent)
Tubers 18.3 kg (rice equivalent)
----------------------------- +
146.0 kg
Food production must be adapted to the guidelines of the people above menu.
The next paragraph, can be read:
For 1965 it is planned production sebagaiberikut:
Rice: 20.50 million tons
Djagung: 6.40 million tons (shelled)
Umbi2an: 15.00 million tons (wet bulb)
The Current? Anyone know how much carbohydrate needs a year in the country without ears - to borrow the title of the film's director, Lola Amaria - this? And, how many tons of rice, corn, and tubers wet that need to be achieved to meet the children's mouths country that is still a lot to eat nasi aking this?
Once upon a time, Pharaoh dreamed. In the dream, he was standing on the banks of the Nile. Suddenly came the seven fat cows from the river and eat the grass in the banks of the Nile. Then, appearing seven skinny cows and cows eating fat. Pharaoh again dreaming. This time, the king of Egypt was in a dream saw seven heads of grain, dry swallow seven ears of corn that contains.
Smart people palace was deployed, to interpret the king's dream. However, no one is able to interpret the palace smart people. Pharaoh was troubled. Not coincidentally, in the condition that a eunuch reminded of Joseph, a prisoner who piawi interpret dreams. On the orders of the King, Joseph was released from the iron bars.
Pharaoh, Joseph said that God was giving the sign, will be what will happen in the land of Egypt in the near future. Joseph said, "seven fat cows and seven ears of corn that contains symbolizes the seven years of prosperity in Egypt. Seven thin cows and seven thin ears of corn symbolizes the seven years of famine, after a period of prosperity. "Joseph was offered a way out to the King for the complexity that would happen it with the suggestion to choose an intelligent and wise. Furthermore, Pharaoh appointed Joseph and gives broad authority over Egypt so that food availability is ensured in Egypt.
In Indonesia? Urgent needs a minister of food wise and intelligent!
Karman is the article by Yonki entitled: Food Politics Joseph, who had kicked a few years ago, because the story of Pharaoh me quote again, here. Is not imminent World Food Day and President-elect also looking for candidates assistants?
At Home Transition formed Jokowi-JK is already a lot of application becomes minister landed. Though there is no vacancy advertisement for it in the newspapers. TEMPO Interactive, one of the newspapers in the country, for example, last September 4th, just preach the article entitled: Alternative 34 seats! One of the chairs are listed there, seats Ministry of Food Sovereignty.
Of course, a necessity, Jokowi choose people like Joseph on earth this Earth. Joseph was not of the palace. He is a prisoner who was imprisoned because of the power of the ruler (Potiphar), although not found any fault on Joseph. He also had relations with the authorities in Egypt. Did not Joseph was a slave, when arriving in Egypt? However, you can bet people who knew Joseph would love for beautiful character. Intregitas youth 30s it was unwavering, he never minded traders also to Egypt, even though he himself a victim of buying and selling slaves in Egypt. A devout and fearing God commands anyway.
In the end, FPharaoh authorize the widest over Egypt to Joseph. Soon, he got a policy for 7 years before the famine came. He ordered the palace officials to collect one-fifth of the wheat harvest excess people to strengthen national food stocks. Finally, any recorded history, Egypt free from famine.
Four days after World Food Day later, new deh Mr. Jokowi and Mr. Jusuf Kalla officially inducted into the number one and number two in Indonesia. Congratulations from our work in www.rasamasa.com for Fathers. If the fitting time, Mr. Minister-elect was certainly present in Napier, to inaugurate the Expo Food on stairs l6-11 November. Hopefully the great food event was not organized by the merchants mental elected Secretary yes sir!