Dine With

Didatangi Polisi Gara-gara Ikan Teri


Many film directors who take this football theme often appeared on television as a commentator or speaker football games. Claiming to love all kinds of food, it has a unique story about the food.

Starting from a love of football, Ucup, so nickname Andibachtiar Yusuf, began making short documentaries. Beginning with a short documentary film, Jakarta is Mine, followed by Hardline, The Jak, and The Conductors are getting a special award at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korea. He also made ​​a fictional movie about football, such as Romeo and Juliet and Go Eight. Currently, Ucup is busy filming Garuda 19 which is about the national team U-19. Speaking of food, the man born in Jakarta, it is also very eloquent about the cuisine of West Sumatra. No wonder, because the original mother Payakumbuh turns love to cook typical dishes of West Sumatra at home. "In the past, anyway, cooking every day, not anymore," said Ucup. "Who cooked all kinds, but usually Mom cook curry fish head cooked carp or white sauce."

What is your favorite food?

I'm a fan of all kinds of food. But when talking about the most delicious places to eat in West Sumatra, from bottom to top end, everything is good! And, the food is also very diverse. People here always say rice fields, as well as rice kapau. In fact, rice kapau it only in certain areas, not all regions have rice kapau. Satai disparate fields as well, there is a red broth, there are yellow, depending on which area. If you've never eaten there, Padang food in Jakarta, it does not feel. For me, the most delicious Indonesian food, yes, of West Sumatra. Not because I bloody Minang, yes, but because the food was cooked with 30-40 kinds of spices. While in Jakarta, maybe only seven kinds of spices.

Padang restaurants are favored in Jakarta?

I like satai meadow in Ajo Ramon, Santa Market. Satainya it satai Pariaman, red broth.

Got a special tradition of cooking meals West Sumatra?

Yes, usually when gathering with family Minang be valid. It also makes a simple-simple. But, sesimpelnya Minang people, whose names make rendang still took two days.

O yes, overhears you have the exciting experience about food while abroad, huh?

At that time I was in London for an internship in Newcastle. From Jakarta, my mother brought artificial rendang. Because rendangnya dry, not wet as we often see, can hold up to 6 months. Just like rendang talua the dry seasonings, eggs as well as crackers. Besides rendang, I also like to cook soup while in London. Although it has moved very, friends still like tuh. It's the most exciting time in Budapest, Hungary. I'm ripe anchovy, then the cops came. He thought we were a party of anything, because the smell of fish terinya sting.

When filming Garuda 19 on the island of Alor, what could taste typical food?

There food is typically made from corn. I forgot his name, but the corn was like rice. DELICIOUS. People there thought we were not going to like, but I like to try all kinds of food. But, there are foods that do not want me to try again, his name kasuami. That food fishermen in Buton. Made of compacted potato, can hold up to ten days. Eating mixed with fish. My tongue is less suitable, because it was bland at all.

Sofia Setyorini (Author), Photos from Andibachtiar Yusuf for Rasamasa.