Dua Hari Penting

My first encounter with the book 3 years even half of this century, occurred in the office Helianti Hilman in Kemang. At that time, I was doing research on the slow food. My friend, who also likes old things, one of which, collecting seeds of native Indonesian rice, which is almost extinct. Time see his seed collection, the more I know, how poor my knowledge of the wealth of Indonesian food.
The same feeling appears when I open the pages of a book published during the Sukarno government.
In 1123 pages thick book, a total of 1,000 more recipes from the archipelago.
Recall, how many recipes Indonesia are still scattered in the archipelago. Imagine, there are more than 30,000 ethnic groups in Indonesia.
See the cover in the form of a woman who was cooking berkebaya makes me both proud and amazed. At that time, an Indonesian woman cooking with kebaya. Is there still a brave cook wear kebaya? A masseur my subscription, which is always berkebaya complete with bun at work, did not complain how busy massaging the kebaya. Indeed, the paradigm strong influence on a decision. If the head already know that cooking it complicated , as practical as any fashion, default , yes, complicated !
As the book Mustika Rasa , which we might say ngerepotin as thick. But, try look book Joy of Cooking in the film Julie and Julia . Nah less thick, is not it? Similar ancient scriptures. Make no mistake, Mustika-style display flavor was actually more trendy display in bookstores in the country. Apparently, the old model is always likely to inspire back generations now. Listen, listen, Bamboo Community will reissue the book Mustika Rasa know.
In this Book Day, we remember the proper taste of the past two figures, William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, who died in 1616. Both are writers who contributed to the world in its field.
Thanks to them, the UNESCO-designated April 23rd, which is the date of birth of Shakespeare, as World Book Day.
In Indonesia, the National Book Day is celebrated every May 17th. Determination of the date it is not for the memory of a particular writer for his services, but coincided with the establishment of the National Library, which stores various works from different walks of people.
Rasamasa also dedicate the "book of life" Indonesian recipes. Try clicking www.rasamasa.com to see recipes Indonesian family from time to time. Through ancient recipe book to cook portals like Rasamasa I so can cook anytime diversity Indonesian flavors from time to time.
Yuk, email your family recipes to be recorded and preserved in Rasamasa!