Get to Know A Dish Name By Trying Out Its Recipe

In our Rasamasa Meetup Komunitas Foodwar event in last October, I added a simple question to the pop quiz that we played. Why is a jeruk nipis (the literal translation is 'thin' lime) called a jeruk nipis? It took quite awhile for people to answer to such seemingly everyday cooking ingredient. It's because its peel is so thin, that's why it's called a 'thin' lime. Most people were taken by surprise-as much as I did when I first heard this. But then, I developed a different level of closeness with lime.
We can apply the same thing to understanding recipes. Now, let's try it out on our recipe playlist for this week: let's understand a recipe name by trying it out.
One of my favorites is biji salak (literal translation is snakefruit seed) that I often find during the fasting season. Because I've grown up with it, I never question the meaning of the name 'biji salak' until one day as I was writing a script for our video series on Biji Salak. I was up to the step of shaping the dough into small elongated shapes. Only then did I have my 'aha' moment! Of course it's called biji salak because the the size and shape is exactly it like the seed of a snake fruit. The brief to our hand talent and videographer became apparent: they must take the time to show this small elongated rounded shape when shooting this recipe. Take a look at the result in our recipe page Biji Salak or directly in Rasamasa Channel @Youtube: Biji Salak.
The other funny recipe is that of es kopyor sintetis (fake kopyor ice). We were selecting for a dish to show in our video series Rasamasa Dapur Jo. I was asked, what is es kopyor made of? I went round to find out, and to my embarassment, I found that I didn't have to google it that far. I just needed to look up the word Sintetis , which means not from nature or man-made. Kopyor is actually a genetic deviation from the normal coconut, and this makes them rare. Many people like them but since they are difficult to find, if one is craving for it, there must be a way to make it ourselves. This is how Es Kopyor Sintetis started. Its recipe can be found here at Rasamasa.
One more recipe name that wows me is Kue Kembang Goyang. It's like a waifer-thin flower that is easily swayed by the blowing wind. But do you really know why they are called kembang goyang? Apparently it's not because of the wind. For this one, I think you must see it for yourself in one of our upcoming video series, Kue Kembang Goyang. Just wait for the date.
There are many more recipes with unique and funny names that I explain them one at a time, we won't get to try these recipes in the kitchen. It's best if you see our recipe playlist in seri resep bernama lucu this week. The names are unique, now all you need to do is to try the recipe and guess why are they named that way? And, if you have your own recipes with a unique or funny name, upload them with photo and story about the dish. So we can add to our recipe gallery.