
Kau Terbaik Ku

A few months back the sound in the kitchen is no longer as busy as before. The kitchen more often just silence, away from the fun as skilled biasanya.Tangan it apparently already begun tired, no longer sepiawi and agile as before.

New approximately one month ago I celebrate your new age with the whole family. Apparently, the number of new age that you have, declared also to us, so does your physical abilities decline. Days is like the smoke and shadows, fleeting, I think I was a little girl was already old too.

You are not longer as fast as before. Elderly people can not be denied anymore presence. Like it or not, like it or not, Mama had to admit that his skill plays utensils in the kitchen and the ability to mix various spices and process them into a delicious dish has decreased. Similarly, I have to accept it, even though some times I find myself is denying that condition.

When alone, when silence ambush, these tears were dripping, the current is too strong insistence to be dammed. T his is My Father World, d ownload song sent a friend via WA (WhatsApp) becomes a force to understand this new condition.

On another occasion, when I went into the kitchen Mama, trying to cook simple dishes, eh Mom was there near me. Without sound Mama also took part work that he thought would help me finish the job I'm lakoni kitchen. And, he always flexible action, really did not make me so complicated in the kitchen, even so ringkes. We become harmonious teamwork. Secretly, I was happy smile on us this duo.

I have to admit the power of Mama as a Housewife. Many of the good that he has done from the kitchen for me. I still remember, how Mama, hassle plan menus and cook a variety of dishes to entertain relatives and guests who come to his house. Including, my friends who stopped by his house. He joined hassle, make sure I will be presenting what dish to comrades. Mama is happy to entertain, not to her guests come afdol if not treated, it's as simple as any dish.

I be like now, not separated from food handmade Mama. Decades of loving Mama hand it, cook food for me. Housekeeper can be ascertained only allowed Mama helped to stage material preparation course. As a result, I will be sensitive when it cooking Mama or not.

Another result, I remember very well how the chicken skin into foreign food ingredients for me. You see, in the kitchen Mama chicken was not skinned, so do not be surprised when in a period of fried chicken skin ever become popular in fried chicken food outlets, I just wondered, "chicken skin can be eaten yet?" And, as a result of kepiawian Mama in the kitchen , tongue and throat it would be very thirsty after eating a meal with the addition of artificial flavorings factory, aka mecin. Not to mention, about the fruit, how do I so love looking like true fruit and vegetables. All that just proves, Mama always provide the best for me in terms of food. Cooking is love.

I was a child who was raised by food Mama, I love it! I will continue with the example of your true Mama, for sure! Not only food, in the matter of clothing is also the same, sewing skills he acquired when the school year in SGKP (School Teacher Skill daughter), so another form of love Mama. Childhood first, Mama-made clothes enliven my wardrobe. Colorful bright material choice made wooden cabinet in my room.

Today, it has more wrinkled hand, kepiawiaannya also decreased. Cooking Mama had several times, the result is outside the plan from the initial planning, although this is not his desire, more because of dementia Alzheimer began present a part of his life lately. Again, these tears were dripping.

Mama, forgive me if you can not be the best girl in your kitchen. If, instinct mix and cook at this time is not something foreign to me. It was, simply because what have you teladankan me decades in our homes. Faithfully you give an example to me of being a woman and mother.

Thank you, you already challenges the me until now. Thank you, you let me grow to meet bentukku as I created HIS purpose. My best you Mama. You just smile, while (always) asked, "prayed Boru (call girls in Batak language)?" When the foot is stepping out of the door of your house.

Happy Mother'S Day!