
Makanan Saat Shooting

Impressions cooking show on television is already caught my attention long ago. That first comes to mind was, "I think yes if so exciting shootingnya crew, food is definitely nice meals."

Remember the cooking show on television titled Eats archipelago, Aroma or Recipe Okay Rudy Choirudin. Third impressions dominated my childhood around 90s. Maybe it was that made me plunge into the world of movies now.

My first shooting experience is making a video tutorial to cook one of the top brands of soy sauce. A week earlier, I see the list of recipes that will be cooked when shooting. One recipe that I remember is sauteed broccoli beef oyster sauce. Reading the recipe alone makes my stomach sounds. Apparently, the food is not as good as shooting my shadow. Many vegetable materials are wasted and inedible. And, arrive lunch, the crew was given lunch boxes whose contents clearly different recipes in the current test.

Different again when shooting video Rasamasa recipe. Rima Sjoekri as director Rasamasa constantly reminded that no food is wasted. You see, the food at the shoot in the studio Rasamasa made ​​according to the recipe and certainly worthy to eat all the crew. Awareness Rasamasa it makes the crew to participate creatively organize food. Each crew must have had portions of different, to minimize food waste, one of the crew took the initiative to mix all white rice from the rice into a single box into a container, so that each crew can take the food in accordance with portions of each.

The habit of shooting at Rasamasa I was carried away by the current set up an other video creation. That my first priority is the crew daily diet. In addition to the large energy needs, the crew also need adequate nutrition so it can work optimally. In my opinion, there should be other than the obligatory rice is vegetables, tempeh or tofu, meat (beef, chicken or fish) and fruit. Among heavy meal, should always be available snacks and drinks.

And this habit turns have been made by several major film production in Indonesia. According to them the crew's health is the most important thing because the work crew was most severe. Food intake will determine the performance of the crew during the shooting. Eat healthy, wholesome and Employment Agency was thrilled!