
Mencicipi Rasa Cinta


Entering February, which appears in the minds of many people is the day of love, which falls on Feb. 14.

Possibly, there are already busy from now, think of a gift or surprise will be prepared for a loved one. However, there are also people who think that February 14 is not a special day to celebrate. I was one of them.

I think love should be given and received by people every day. Similarly, it is impossible when there is only a sense of sad, angry, or disappointed in one day. When you look deeper, there is always a sense of love that makes us feel happy and grateful through various forms, even as simple as food.

Love it can be felt and exchanged through food. Never eat omelet only use soy sauce, but it feels enaaaak really? In addition we may again hungry, subconsciously we will feel the food was good when the chef put 100% passion and his love for the food, to the point that we can feel it. Conversely, when we eat foods that are less pleasant, it could be that there is negative energy in the chef also flows down to us.

So, be thankful that we are still able to smile after a meal. I am thankful almost every day can feel my mother's cooking, the taste of love is always a success to me. Do not forget to thank, yes, that his love back to a special person who has been painstakingly cook for us!

Well, how about almost every day we cook for yourself? Do not be sad, we still can, really, feel the love that comes from within us. Memasaklah with positive energy, not while grumbling or cranky. I'm glad to once every can cook their own, because I would pretend to be a celebrity chef who was there in the cooking show watched by millions oran. I was going to tell you about my dishes like Martha Stewart or Farah Quinn. Seriously, cook it could be more exciting and fun!

So start sharing the love through food. Those who are still confused about what surprise love, try to make this special dishes like green tapai pudding, cake bowl of brown sugar, bananas fried, steamed cakes, ice shanghai, ice mixed terrain, ice kolang forth, Bika Ambon, wedang round, synthetic ice kopyor.

For that celebrate Valentine's Day alone, no worries, Because true love comes from within, it starts with YOU.

Spread the love around everyday and Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!