Dine With

Mengenalkan Onde-Onde Lewat Rabbithole


Incessant invasion of fast food makes Indonesian foods become less popular among children. Through the application Rabbithole, Devi Raissa want foster interest in reading as well as introducing the culture and Indonesian food in children.

What the heck, Rabbithole it?

Rabbithole the interactive application fairy tales book. Initially, Rabbithole issued in book form. While reading the fairy tale, the child involved to participate, so that they can be more interested in reading. Our first book titled Bella and Fifth balloon, which is inspired by the song Balonku There are five. The cost of the process is expensive, therefore, the idea to create an application that can be downloaded fairytale. Be Rabbithole this application. In the meantime, Rabbithole can be downloaded at iStore or through the website. Android version of its being worked on and will be released later this year. Rabbithole name was inspired by the story of Alice in Wonderland, which tells the adventures of Alice along with the characters that exist in Wonderland.

Like what s pioneering Rabbithole uka grief?

Oh, a lot. People are still many who do not know about Rabbithole, so I had to explain at length as well as the concept of what is carried. A fun, when many children interested in reading. His speech was very positive. I never can the story of one of the parents, if his son is now so like to read, even to his worn and shabby. Applications can also be a positive response Rabbithole outside Indonesia. This November, Rabbithole will follow Tale Festival. In that event, we will launch the latest book. Information is available in www.rabbitholeid.com. Come, yes, to the show.

The story was of a fairy tale Rabbithole Indonesia or essay itself?

There are essay itself, there are also tales of Indonesia. Indonesia was a lot of fairy tales, unfortunately that children know more about Cinderella compared Shallots and Garlic. Today, Rabbithole is developing a story inspired by Indonesian food. Children now have more access to instant food, so many do not know Indonesian food. I've introduced dumplings, there are many who do not know what it's dumplings. Never mind the taste, shape alone they do not know. Therefore, I and the team would like to invite children to learn about Indonesian food through a fairy tale.

Indonesian food do you prefer?

Satai. I often buy satai in Satai PSK, Depok, and Satai Santa at Wolter Monginsidi. I prefer chicken satai compared satai goats, chickens were the most common types of meat and easily made. Meanwhile, mutton, if one can be processed and smell fishy.

What activities outside of work?

I love blogging, yoga, and sleep. I am among those who are introverted. Work is enough for me to spend energy. So, sleep is a good means to recharge energy is drained. Blogging is my means to find "Aha moment t", while yoga for peace of mind.

Usually people who like yoga that has specific food preferences?

My teachers, so. But, until now I still like to eat anything that is good. Maybe I have not been up to that point, yes ...