
Organik Itu Spontan, Surprise Dari Alam

Subscribe organic fruits and vegetables is unique. Yields and ordering is done through whatsapp day before so the cook so spontaneous, natural rhythm.

For them, the organic farmers, all activities planned in spite of cultivation certainly for me the choice of vegetables and fruits are delivered feels random. I just know them through whatsapp harvest vegetables and fruits a day before I received. This made ​​me curious, like thank surprise of nature!

For ordering no minimum amount and subject to postage due to the somewhat remote location, from Plastica to Central Jakarta. Thus, each order should be in the amount and variety of the many. Vegetables are ordered also to be spent in a short time. For me, this condition actually stimulate my mind and spontaneity in cooking. For example, when I ordered a vegetable in my previous subscription organic vegetables, for the first time I received a red spinach leaves big ones. At that time, I do not know how to process red spinach, and did not find a suitable recipe anyway. So, after getting a red spinach, there are still many remaining organic red spinach until wilted in the refrigerator.

Yesterday I tried to google to search for organic vegetables online. I tried to contact one by one, from the top rank until finally in fifth place, just deh my phone is answered. Sister of explains how to purchase applicable, and recorded my phone number. Shortly thereafter, I went on their whatsapp group, and receive news about the whole prediction of harvest on the same day. Fill harvest yesterday there are more than 50 kinds of vegetables, fruits, rice, until the coconut sugar at a price as stated in the price list on their website. Booking must be a minimum of Rp. Rp 100,000.00 with delivery costs. 60,000.00 from Plastica to Gondangdia. Fortunately crop variety, then I can choose vegetables and fruit that I like in sufficient quantities.

Problem freshness, according to Ms. of, definitely fresh, because the harvest occurs every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Meanwhile, for delivery to the store happened in the morning, the next day, for direct transfer to the buyer. As I experienced, the next before I received the order, I got a message that the courier would be late leaving because they were waiting for my order avocados and bananas, from farmers. So I was not stuck with the amount of vegetables and fruit, I deliberately message to be delivered to the office. So, if the amount is too much can be directly distributed to friends in Rasamasa.

Back to the matter of organic vegetable subscriptions trigger spontaneity in cooking at the beginning of my story. One solution I have to do is click a collection of recipes made ​​from vegetables and fruit in portal. These recipes are already we grouped for easy and quickly sought when required.

Specials this week, to celebrate the diversity of crops in order Farmers Day 2014, we chose recipe series playlist variety of vegetables in order to trigger you to be spontaneous again in cooking:

  1. Rumpu Rampe (papaya, cassava, kale, pace, heart bananas, tomatoes)
  2. Long beans stir Cob (beans, banana, tomato, sweet corn)
  3. Asem vegetable kale (kale, young jackfruit, corn, red tomatoes)
  4. Karedok (beans, green round eggplant (eggplant Wren), cucumber, bean sprouts, white cabbage, peanuts)
  5. Vegetable Serai (lemongrass, tofu)
  6. Sauteed green beans (chickpeas)
  7. Cah broccoli (broccoli)
  8. Vegetable soup (potatoes, carrots, green beans, cabbage, leeks, celery, tomatoes)
  9. Lodeh Eggplant (beans, eggplant purple long, leaves young melinjo)
  10. Anyang Timon (cucumbers, sprouts)

There are many more recipes that we provide to celebrate our keragamanan crop farmers in the fields. Merryfarmer!