
Pedagang Musiman


"A friend told me that his income selling cakes could be higher than the salary he received every month as an employee. Duh .. make kepengen .. "

I like to observe the activity of friends through social media. Before the election yesterday, a lot of friends who started complaining bored with post copras only candidate that black campaign or sharing interesting articles based on the title alone, even without reading them first!

However, there are other interesting things for me, friends who sell all kinds of needs for Ramadan and Eid. There were selling pastries, chocolate, dates, veil, dress, until the durian pancake. They are not professional traders who are trading their main job. They are the ones with a clever use of Eid moment to earn extra income. In fact there is a friend who told me that his income selling cakes could be higher than the salary he received every month as an employee.

I remember the experience got cake orders widths of my aunts. Initially, every Eid I love to make cookies themselves for the journey back and forth, are also to be given to the grandmother, as souvenirs. Each return home, our family usually stay out of the family home grandmother mother before leaving for Yogja to stay in touch to my father's family. Mothers have 5 younger siblings, while Eid whole big family staying at grandma's house. There were about 27 people in the house! Unimaginable crowded.

Well, my cake gift for grandma was always placed on the dining table and living room. Aunt, uncle, and cousin I turned out like tasting. Finally, before the homecoming kesibukkan I made a cake increases, in addition to the grandmother, aunt and also to order om. Fun, they are willing to pay for such purchase to professional traders know .. how do I not added zest?

Making cookies is fun, but if until bertoples-jar yes pretty well. Especially when it came to the part fill nastar cake with pineapple jam. Small rounded dough beforehand, flaked, new stuffed with pineapple jam, then, rounded back. Continue to be so until the dough runs out. Moreover, the oven in my house is a small electric oven for 1 pan size only.

Ramadan last year I only had one day off before going back and forth, finally home fragrance fragrant cake all day since I started cooking from dawn until just before dawn runs again. Turns souvenirs widths my cake last year it was a souvenir of my last pastries for grandma. He died last August.

Results selling cakes to my aunt and uncle okay for a walk in Yogja while buying souvenirs, and even then there are still some left, Alhamdulillah .. I have the proverbial 'selling playful', the benefits could be tolerable. How to benefit my friend who thumbs his hand until Cantengan was so stiff cookie dough squeeze the syringe? Definitely a lot of orders.

Lebaran stay a minute longer. Selling like they want to follow, I think already late. But in God there sya Eid next year, it looks like I want to try selling again. Not just to uncle and aunt but more broadly. How about you?