
Pelajaran Masak Pertama : Setup Jambu Biji

When my elementary school (SD) cooking lessons into the curriculum skills, alternating with sewing, and crafts. Now, the most remembered when taught to make the setup of guava by Mrs. Mien.

Mien mother was my teacher in grade 2 or 3 SD in Indonesian School Cairo, Egypt. In addition to more serious subjects, we were taught to make setup guava by Mrs. Mien. As I recall, Mrs. Mien is like cooking time and coincidence guava fruit is easily available there.

Make cashew setup is not too terrible. Materials and seasoning quite five, namely, guava, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, and water. Cooking process was easy, all the spices and sugar dicemplungi to water and boiled together until fragrant scent of cinnamon.

While waiting for the scent it, usually we cut up guava. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) Seeds of guava is even dumped in the recipe setup. Though I love the taste of the sweetest because it is on the seeds in my opinion. Because of that, I am happy to finish cashew although accompanied with anxiety because supposedly these seeds can grow in the body, and cause appendicitis. But still I spend.

Cook this setup feels more left-lived of the note. Perhaps because of that, this recipe is suitable for learning to cook for the first time. Although the scent of cinnamon and cloves make me feel like a drink these beverages for the leader-leader (the elderly). But that's okay, that is important to learn to cook.

The water seemed to boil and odor-champion last champion began to smell. Guava is cut finally entered, and stirred briefly before the left again.

I should rather stand on tiptoe to see the content of guava pan submerged beneath the water sugar and spices. After a while I was stirring, the water was getting heavy. Guava also seemed to soften. Mien mother took a piece of guava from pan and split it with a spoon before turning off the fire.

When seen again, it is suitable to be used as a setup guava first experience cooking. Only five ingredients and seasoning, and cooking was quite long on the fire unattended. The signs are also evident, just wait whether spice, fragrant, soft and guava. So easy, it could be up to the present setup pink one recipe that can make me feel can cook.

Thank you Ms. Mien who has taught me dare to cook.

Happy teachers day!