
Praktis Lagi Punya Rasa Unik


Turns sambal not always synonymous with ngulek. The proof that the S DELICIOUS sauce and rice splurging a lot, just need to be chopped.

As a die-hard fan of the per - chili-chili-early 1 (not chili-chili's meaningful happy young woman who rode motorcycles threes hot pans wear it) I would like to thank Rasamasa and would (also) to Endah Purwani Basuki, The recipe testers, because it introduced me to the sauce matah. I did not acquaintances at this sauce when eating Balinese food. I am acquainted with the sauce in the kitchen instead of the S Rasamasa trials. Where the test schedule recipe I accidentally set it so that the whole cooking comes from Bali. Starting from the S sauce, lawar, until chicken betutu.

The next afternoon, still in office, the residue tests recipes are available in the fridge, I made the sauce and Dina back matah was so pengennya. Although there's no lime leaves. Replace the lime leaves us with orange leaves that grow in the office even though we do not know what kind of orange, lime leaves are important. Later, we know the new type, it turns the leaves lemon cui.

Sambal matah proves to me, that the sauce was not always synonymous with ulekkan. The proof, matah sauce and make a really tasty rice splurging banya now, just need to be chopped really. I typically people who prefer to slice a lot of material compared ngulek many materials. Well, it does not have ngulek, chili sauce has become one of my favorites.

Speaking of favorite sauce. Sambal my favorite version is based on two things: Practical and unique flavor Got chili stand apart. Practical for me it, means need to be sliced ​​without mengulek grind event. When it comes time to slice the onion can make 'cry', I do not worry. Moreover, for some reason lately onion I bought less 'fierce', do not make tears come out at all. Good news for me that dong like chili slices. Those who would like chili grind, this could be a disaster, time huh?

Unique flavor chili stand apart I mean it, not just spicy chili sauces doang. Indeed chili paste has a unique flavor, but when compared with a unique taste sensation kecombrang or fragrance sliced ​​kaffir lime leaves, chili paste for me still not quite fit in the liver and can not get in my category.

Through this blog, I want to share two of my favorite sauce: Sambal Matah and Sambal Roa.

Sambal Matah (with and without kecombrang)

For the S without kecombrang sauce, onion and lemongrass are two ingredients that I mostly use because if it is mixed with salt, sour lemon, lime, roasted shrimp paste, onion, garlic, red chili sauce, lime leaves, lemongrass, and coconut oil, fresh and minimal taste unpleasant. I never measure specifically the amount of sauces anyway. Never fear, there kok recipe in Sambal Matah

Meanwhile, for sauce kecombrang matah with my style, a little different, a little more material. Flowers kecombrang it seems to me always win aroma of a dish, fragrant other materials be closed. Want to imitate? Material: Flowers kecombrangd iiris thin, then knead with salt, freshly washed. Plus onion, red chili sauce, shrimp paste, salt, lime juice, and coconut oil. To paste, I usually use a condiment field, as in the specialty market seasoning Hobo usually bungakecombrang sold unison paste terrain. There is also a condiment Bangka better, but again, for practical reasons, I bought shrimp and kecombrang all alone in a special market seasoning Batak. Yet no less tasty condiment field.

Coconut oil is equally important. Coconut oil has a distinctive aroma that is not owned palm oil. In addition, coconut oil refine (flute) has a higher smoke point is 232° Celsius so that the compounds are not easy to change if exposed to heat (can googling again many advantages of coconut oil). When heated to a shimmering limit (the oil is hot enough but not smoky), immediately flush mishmash sauce ingredients that have been diiris.Titik shimmering matah is also most suitable for sauteing vegetables because the vegetables are not easily discolored even singed.

Stir ingredients that have been doused hot oil until smooth, then taste, duh fragrance. Indeed, in the supermarket sekitar Jakarta, coconut oil is more expensive. But lucky every time I return to Yogyakarta can I buy coconut oil refine the 1 liter hanyaRp. 20,000.00 only. I bought it in cooperative Aisyiah mothers.

Sambal Roa

First familiar with sambal roa precisely when to return home when lebaran.Ceritanya, my aunt brought his unique food jar sauce. I, who was still a poor knowledge of chili was curious about the taste. "Sambal why not red, black tends instead. Rough texture also do not like chili in general. "My aunt suggested I try it with hot rice. And, it turns out ... It was super tasty! I fell in love the first disuapan. It turns out that my aunt had sambal roa subscription sellers in Modern Market BSD. I was immediately entrusted to buy so that when the main aunt's house, I could eat sambal roa again, hooray!

Until last month I actually do not know how to make a delicious sauce roa. Came last month when the test recipe, incidentally Rima Sjoekri had fish stocks his roa souvenirs from Manado unprocessed. Incidentally my husband had also worked at the Tribune Manado Manado and have a genuine friend. Through my husband's friend that I get roa fish sauce recipe. When the recipe tested in the kitchen Rasamasa result was super tasty. Furthermore, problems arise if you want to make yourself at home roa sauce. Where to get the fish roa? According to Rima Sjoekri in Tebet Gelael no roa who had smoked fish and placed on a bamboo stick. Thank goodness!

Like most how to make chili, all ingredients together pulverized fish meat roa already disuwir. Heat oil and fry until fragrant. For more details see Sambal Roa This recipe is less spicy anyway, for more spicy add cayenne pepper to taste. What about the story of your favorite sauce?


1. Per-chili-chili-an: Subject chili, chili or associated with discerning food spicy.