
Pramuka Zaman Saya


Scout's child, as long as proficient in making various kinds of nodes in the pocket book, certainly can make a variety of useful tools.

Eid holiday yesterday, I returned home to Jogjess, popular designation of young people in Yogyakarta for his beloved city. I can leave for a few days of work, I would have a chance of crossing the stores that sell school supplies as a child in the Kota Gede, the town where I grew up. I just realized, it turns out almost every shop I encountered displaying Scout stick in front of his shop.

I also told my husband, "here (Yogyakarta) find the same Scouts stick rope and other perlengkan easy, if in Jakarta, looking for where?" It turns out we both do not know and just stripped, Scout activities kids today doing aja yes i do?

Bamboo sticks, ropes, and pathok are three magic items Scout child. As long as proficient in making various kinds of nodes in the pocket book, children Scouts we can create a variety of useful tools, such as the base node that functions as the beginning of a bond on a wooden pole or anchor node to make a stretcher and tying bucket. From bamboo sticks, ropes, and can also be made ​​pathok gate, hood, shoe rack, dish rack, clothesline clothes, assorted anyway.

In my elementary school first, event tent is a fun activity that awaited at once thrilling. Create a grade 5 elementary school, camp for 3 days 2 nights, away from the parents, must make a tent, sleeping with team members, cooking, sharing duties , as well as lining up in a public bathroom, would be a new experience.

Once we arrived at the camping grounds, the brother coaches share a thick white cloth that serves as a tent. Then, head of the team split the task. Each of us has had a specialty. My friend Lian, most experts in making the knot, so he had a responsibility to make the gate because that's where most complicated knots are found. Another friend, set up a tent at the same time arranging mats and bags of all members of the team, put up a fence and make a small trench around the tent and then sprinkled with salt krosok anticipation mischievous insects, centipedes, including snakes. While I and a friend, named Nadia, tidying the kitchen duty emergency. Fill the stove with kerosene, smoothing provision of foodstuffs and all cookware. Apparently affairs and cook food is never far from my childhood

Lots of competition created by the brothers of Trustees. The race-unique unique. I remember there was competition climbing trees in groups. When all members were in the trees, they shall sing in the compact. Participants usually boys, but if there are good at climbing trees daughter team would be involved. There is also a contest to guess a variety of spices and food ingredients with eyes closed. Only by relying on the nose to smell and hands to feel its shape, ditebaklah name of the spice. It can be guessed, of course I joined this race. The most challenging race outbound. In this race, we have to answer questions and resolve challenges that exist in every post. The first team reached the finish line, he was the winner. Team sunflowers where I belong does not win. ButThis team cohesiveness pass every post made us familiar until now.

Ah .. remember all this experience, I increasingly recognize that Scouting was exciting and a lot of benefits. Hopefully elementary school children today still feel the same scout exciting and thrilling, like I used to, do not collide with the thought that over protective parents against children, as well as educators who are less responsible.

Merry Scout friends.