Dine With

Pratyahara Rasa


Ointment, tempeh, and brown rice is a provision that fits in between yoga and gym activities for Syenny Widjaja, one of the owners Bakoel Koffie, very zen and rationally with his diet.

It has been almost ten years regular Syenny bring lunch from home. The Reason? Jakarta jammed. Moreover, he did not want to buy food outside because only taste of home cooking that fits with the flavor that tends to 'clean' without seasoning cooked.

This ointment use the recipe anyone?

This ointment that cook helper. He first learned from my grandmother, along with several other Java cuisine. My grandmother Parakan origin, Wonosobo. Cooking very Javanese like sambal fried, boiled, pecel, and bobor. My grandmother great cook, I talk like this not because my grandson, yes. Recipes grandmother passed down to my maid, because mom and I can not cook.

What is different with the ointment old grandmother?

It feels more or less the same but my grandmother cooked ointment while I asked the maid to reduce salt and marinade. The level of salinity that 'it is subjective, what is for me too salty, my mother told me not. Always so until my mother tongue convict if I've broken hahaha. For my mother, I guess he called, "the fuck is this?" So he never wanted to eat at my house because it's too bland and nothing suitable for him.

He said, often bring food from home?

In Jakarta, right jammed and I do not want to buy food outside. So if you know will meet the lunch hour, usually I take the fruit. If till night, I take rice, something like a picnic deh.

Now it can not eat carelessly because long after many yoga, my body did not particularly want dishes that are too good but not healthy for the body. My body wants a fresh brew house, because it feels better to the body.

Besides cooking home cooked taste and not too salty, and the familiar taste on my tongue. If too pronounced, my miserable.

Why do not like the taste of the cooked?

This originally started from the wish to have a good and fit body. So I exercise. But after exercise, the body still feels really sagged. It turns out that because of the way I used to eat a lot of salt whereas binding of salt water in the body, so the result is still sagged.

Salt and spice flavors that this reduced according pratyahara, one of the branches of yoga on the withdrawal of the senses. Pratyahara is what helps to choose foods such restrain us from feeling too lust seeing buffet dishes. As already paid, so we tend to eat more than that should be. With our senses pratyahara not overwhelming for the mind and body are synchronized so that it is easier to live a healthy life. If the body is clean, we definitely clean diet, and naturally do not want something that is not good for the body.

Cuisine what most support yoga?

Urap most satisfactory for all fiber contents but lightweight and durable. Plus a little tempeh already filling. But it is not satisfied that makes sleepy so suitable for the day, morning and afternoon yoga me to the gym. Spinach okay, but less satisfied because the fry so need a more powerful protein such bakwan corn and fried fish.

Syen, first Bakoel Koffie, now yoga, so what next?

All of the sports I have run it but in yoga a lot of knowledge about the anatomy of the body. With increasing age, we must give weight to what is really needed. I believe this is in herbs, so I want to learn about herbs.

Rima Sjoekri (Author) and photos of Syenny Widjaja to Rasamasa