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Story from a different perspective is interesting me to reflect on my own life. Later I will also feel the emotions experienced by my mother. When the time comes, my son will also preoccupied with his own affairs, is not it?
Last week to vent to my mother on the phone, he curhatan outline, alarming and missed her son, my brother, who was to go to school in another city.
On another occasion, my brother story was about how he began to adapt to the temperature, the foreign dormitory environment, and class schedules are dense, to the point that he was difficult to sleep. And, as a natural consistency rotate, I am a little shudder to imagine moments of transition Mom with my brother it also occurs naturally to me and my children someday.
I suddenly remembered my mother. Besides his profession as a Principal, daily from Monday to meet Monday again acted as the elders of the church, women organization committee, treasurer gathering, holders alto voice choir in a row, a wife and mother who take care of four children with behavior polahnya respectively. So, not surprisingly, I grew up without flattery and the lure, especially equipped bundles dream recipe book. Then, how about me and Sasha later?
Every morning, when my husband had the opportunity to deliver to the station to the office, we like to hear radio broadcasts to review a light story about life. Incidentally, the topic of this morning about your favorite foods cooked by his wife. My husband exhausted answer when I asked if my food is good or not according to him. We also exchanged a view to eventually laugh together meaningfully. Therefore, so I admit that my cooking skills are still far from capable. However, my husband just said, my cooking delicious all. Ah, in my opinion anyway, it's because my husband was not a picky eating. So, knowing only that good judgment of all.
The next question asked my husband, what dishes I will be teaching at Sasha, our eldest daughter, when she grows up? I could not answer, even I do not have a plan for it. I also think, that's right, what I would later on Sasha estafetkan shrewdness about my cooking?
Being in the flow of time that continues to roll and move from the transition that moves naturally, I decided to begin to repay the things that I think is important to continue. First, of course, for the people closest to me, my dear husband. Little notes as reminders as a tradition that takes place at home, I paste in the fridge door. It contained about dose detergent for every load of laundry in the washing machine, different doses of sugar to fruit juices and beverages, kitchen stock list that needs to be added, the monthly pay schedule that should not be late and recipes that need to be bought for my cooking on the weekends.
Meanwhile, for Sasha growing toward adulthood, I will train took discipline to continue her knowledge. Stages of the simplest is my dream to collect recipes kesukaaan us at home. Later it would be a recipe Sasha guide in order to do the same.
They say, good intentions will always be the way, is not a coincidence if Rasamasa provide an opportunity through the process to become a contributor correspondence and written recipe at
Hopes to become the contributor of each of our different professional backgrounds and expertise to share knowledge and stories, not only for those closest but also for many people.