Rujak Pengantin Betawi

Name is prayer, so the saying goes. Similarly, the name of the bride salad. This salad is identical to the wedding ceremony and the bride.
Since when did you learn to make this recipe?
This recipe has been used since. I'm just trying mengkreasikannya appropriate style. In my opinion, it must be beautiful bride salad but still tasteful because with a little sprinkling of dried shrimp spicy flavor. Salad bride started my routine for me since served as chef at the Mandarin Oriental. When I worked there, I was given the task to present the Indonesian food. And at that time, many Indonesian people who hold a wedding there.
Why bride named salad?
Because this salad is usually served only when there is a wedding or a big celebration. Glance taste and appearance, this bride salad is not much different from the salad in general. However, if seen again, the composition of the bride salad salad is more complete than others. The interface is made more beautiful with a variety of colors. There are white with a red tinge. It was also richer. Salad bride has a savory flavor, spicy, and sour. Supposing, the wedding is the event where people want to look good all-wah or. People with any standard look will still look more beautiful or handsome on his wedding day. Such was the origin of the name of this salad.
So no seasoning or materials that represent the bride in particular?
No, just the overall look of this salad and a nice fancy him more than any other salad.
Is this salad are common in every marriage?
Usually only Betawi people who serve it. Betawi people outside there may be serving this salad. However, based on experience, it feels different to the original bride salad.
Never fails in making this recipe?
Must have, usually is because the presentation of herbs and salad ingredients. The seasoning was not poured into the material if it is still a long presented. New seasoning ingredients may be mixed into a salad right when it will be presented.
There are certain tips for creating a bridal-style salad Mr. Sabil?
No specific tips. However, some basic principles in cooking should always be applied, especially when it comes to cleanliness. For example, always use fresh ingredients and quality. Do not be stingy against the material.