
Sihir Maut Naniarsik

The food has a role more than just for filling the stomach. In fact, a favorite dish as a child can continue to stick in the memory, like a magic that is not easy to be forgotten ...

As Batak people who live adjacent to the ancestral land, I am quite familiar with the customary activities that take place in the villages. Almost all activities Batak contact with food. Family events, always providing snacks abound, from food and beverage opener, until prepared to take home as souvenirs for the family at home. If there is a whisper that the food presented less, it will be blamed embarrassing for the owner of the celebration.

Custom event in the village is usually done in an open field, with an invitation from any kind of fraternity that happens. Especially if offensive kinship is not disconnected, but continues to grow in accordance with the construction of the Batak people live, called Dalihan na tolu (three pillars). That is a relationship of mutual respect with a large family and wife, maintain mutual relationship between women, and tolerant mutual relations with semarga friend and compatriot.

At each ceremony Batak, the food was always caught my attention was naniarsik.

Dish carp (both black and golden yellow gray) are cooked with spices typical of this Batak land has an important role.

Presentation always coincide when the parents offered advice on which they are praying the success and goodness in the future. Whether it's to show engagement, wedding, seven monthly, thanksgiving birth, baptism of children, giving children names, wedding anniversary, until thanksgiving into the house. In almost all moments of entering a new phase of life, naniarsik emerged as the representative of prayer and hope, that his form can be enjoyed by all family members.

Naniarsik cultivate habits at home Mom always feels more special for me, given its role in traditional ceremonies.

In addition to his trademark blend of seasonings, such as andaliman and kecombrang flowers that make the house so fragrant and if invited to gather to eat together, my favorite food is also considered to be very healthy.

I remember, once the family's grandmother had a goldfish farms in one area in the waters of Lake Toba. Lake Toba, one of Indonesia's maritime territory already famous it is beneficial for fish farms for the surrounding community, including my family. Uncle often invited me to check the state of the fish there. With shrewd, uncle runs the length of the transverse wooden climbing among net-jemaring separating small fish, adult fish, fish laying, and the fish are ready to be sold into the market based on order. From the top of the boat, I noticed goldfish that writhed with admiration. The dominant color is very beautiful golden when exposed to sunlight. When uncle sow food, hundreds of goldfish racing eat, leaving splashes that makes me wonder.

After getting married and have kids, I always miss bring warmth through a blend of fragrances derived from a spice in my kitchen.

One is the spice aroma naniarsik which has long been bewitched me, so I am very menggandrungi savory smell fragrant meets every corner of the house. Since getting a goldfish at home is not as easy as the market around the time of my first small village, not only my arsik seasoning dampingkan with goldfish. Sometimes, with mackerel or anchovies which I mixed with beans and cassava leaves. Naniarsik recipes that can heal feeling nostalgic for your cooking is relatively easy to prepare, so I knew the details of the preparation of coconut marinade outside. For me, the raw materials are easily found, a quick presentation, plus it tastes good, has always managed to make my lunch at least add another plate.