Stuck, Ngapain Nih?

Ever dong undergone stuck, confused as what to do when the time is more than enough. Like a jam-lah, can not go forward, backward was hit, tail-tail walking in place.
Not on the highway could be stuck doang tablets alias path in place due to traffic. At home can also be stuck really. Especially when the rainy season, as now, often dropped torrential rain from morning till evening. According to the peak of the rainy season BMKG does actually occur in January to February. Although, in March, there might still raining in some places in Indonesia.
When the rainy season not only feels more jammed than usual, appetite also increased. Apparently, it did not reach the mouth to chew, especially if the food is warm and fry, um ... I do not know why? It could be because of the cold, the body was so need more calories to burn off energy against the cold weather, keep the body warm.
For this, buy ready to eat food so that it is easy and practical. However, if heavy rain pattering incessantly, not to mention the environment so muddy and motorcycle taxis nobody hung, lazy really out of the house, is not it?
If you feel stuck in times of heavy rain, down to the kitchen just yuk! Peep what was in the fridge there. Free wrote works not need sophisticated cook-sophisticated, reasonably easy, practical, and preferred everyone. One of them, especially if it is not fried - fried?
One that I like it fried, corn bakwan! Because of joy, I never learned to make corn bakwan from the seller directly. Fortunately, the seller generous love to know the secret of crispness bakwan products. She's supposed to, bakwan it should not be much use water, because if the dough is too much water, consequently bakwan will not be crisp. If crisp, just shortly after mature course.
From the seller said bakwan it, I was trying to put it into practice. Bakwan my homemade corn, it's simple really. But, some times I suguhkan as snack arrival friend, or for a snack during the rainy season is always exhausted. He said, crisp and enak.. hehehe...
The first step, of course, choose a good quality corn. Make sure the corn seed is not too heavy and dense and sweet. This sweet corn kernels and dipipil. If you feel bothered finely corn alone, ask the same course for dipipilkan corn merchant, guaranteed okay to have anyway.
The type of flour that I use, mix flour rice flour. It could be the same as corn bakwan in general. The secret, do not use rice flour too much but also not to be too little. Use boiled water that has been chilled. Stir the dough, make sure the batter is thick and not watery, so when fried dough does not widen because the content of the excess liquid.
When frying, make sure the oil is used in large quantities and heat. Note the fire is used, there are times when the fire is great but sometimes also need to be scaled down in order to golden brown color bakwan belong. Once cooked, drain immediately above the paper towel, so that the oil is absorbed.
Well, my corn bakwan peculiarities, there are extra thin sliced red chili. Sliced red chili sauce is incorporated into the batter before frying. So, I guess bakwan was crisp and there is a sense of vague spicy bite my tongue. Addictive! Add again, again, and again ...
Again stuck? No need to worry? Create fried wrote. Just peep the recipe in the recipe collection of fried.