Recipe Stories

Terpesona Semburat Ubi Ungu


The color is attractive, it looks beautiful. It feels? Eat, ah!

Actually, I have long wanted to talk about the history of the purple potato tray with Mother Winarsih. However, the schedule has not been matched, while his son, Karin, is my friend. Finally, I was talking on the phone and find out the history of this homemade cake.

Many of them think, make it more difficult than the pie dish. What mother is fond of making cookies?

Initially, I was only able to make some kind of cake. But for now I open a catering business, inevitably have to master all kinds of food, both cooking and pastries. I started to make their own cakes since 2009, when it was my neighbor were puzzled to find people who are selling cakes. From there, the desire to help and earn a supplemental income. I was told I could make the cake, and the cake seen another neighbor. Since then, I often do innovative recipes.

Since when the mother began to create a purple potato platter?

At that time there was a trend to eat tubers. I think, a tinge of purple sweet potato color is beautiful. If I kreasikan so cake platter seems to be interesting. Early make this cake, the result is often sluggish. Doses that are less or too little water. Because in Depok is no prohibition to eat rice, I replace the rice flour with cornstarch. In fact, the taste of potatoes would be more comfortable if the use of rice flour. Not unexpectedly, many who love and often ordered this cake. According to them, this cake is gorgeous. I then ventured to the competition made the cake, and, tray purple potato can be the title for the category of non-rice food.

When the tray so the purple yam favorite meal and must be provided in a portion of a lot, what Mother store purple potatoes at home?

I prefer to buy fresh potatoes. If it is too long kept, potatoes tend to smell and the result was not good. I have a shop in Market Pecan subscription, so stay booked only if you buy the purple yam. If you're not in the market, I use sweet potato baking as his successor. The price is more expensive, but it is better than nothing at all.

Never experienced no purple yam or sweet potato baking?

Ever. When I finally made a tray of plain white potato. Could plus other flavors, such as pandanus. If the purple yam, right, already formed its own flavor of the purple sweet potato itself.

There are a lot of purple potato trays are sold in the market, according to what the mother feels the same with the artificial mother?

Some are the same. However, thank God so far no one has exactly the same as my artificial.

What else Mother creations made ​​with purple potatoes?

There are many, such as cakes, pudding, gelatin, or juice. My purple potato boiled briefly, and then blended. Although called juice, it looks like porridge. Right now I'm occurred want to make brownies from purple sweet potato.